Mauri on "forward slash in front of links for a RSS feed reader that I wrote."
Calling out Jack who was helping me via chat. Background: I wrote out a simple function to spit out title and permalinks of an rss feed using the simplepie function fetch_feed. Problem: Fetch Feed was...
View ArticleVaughan on "forward slash in front of links for a RSS feed reader that I wrote."
hiya i'll alert @Jack Kitterhing to this for you, hopefully he'll respond soon. magic_quotes is a PHP function which escapes characters when storing/retrieving data from the DB. it's a nasty function...
View ArticleMauri on "forward slash in front of links for a RSS feed reader that I wrote."
@Vaughan, That makes a ton of sense since my server, Fat_Cow runs on an older version of PHP. Why? I dont know. But I am super glad I got to the bottom of this latency mess.
View ArticleJack Kitterhing on "forward slash in front of links for a RSS feed reader...
Hi there @Mauri, Hope your well today and sorry about the extreme delay here. I didn't get a notification of the ping on this, glad to see you got this one sorted and that Vaughan was able to help :)...
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