Calling out Jack who was helping me via chat.
Background: I wrote out a simple function to spit out title and permalinks of an rss feed using the simplepie function fetch_feed.
Problem: Fetch Feed was calling hyperlinks and images with a \ in front of it of the link. When looking at my debugger, I found that my browser was looking for
This resulted in bringing my site down to a crawl as it looked through each bad link, checked a few times and timed out.
I did a little research and found that there is a function called called magic_quotes that adds the slash. Magic quotes helps out by telling PHP to mind the link. SO... I found this thread:
The solution was to add some code to wp-settings.php directly below
// Add magic quotes and set up $_REQUEST ( $_GET + $_POST )
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
$_POST = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_POST );
$_GET = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_GET );
$_COOKIE = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE );
$_REQUEST = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST );
QUESTION: What the heck is the code above doing to my code? I dont like to set something with haste to only suffer late.
PS: Thanks for all the help, Jack.